Virtual Bouzouki is a library of samples of Greek stringed plucked musical instrument, bazooka, with realistic sound and lots of functions.
Download: virtual bouzouki kontakt 2a1358a15e; Download: virtual bouzouki 1.
Description: Strings of Anatolia, This project included bigest ethnic strings instruments library in the world. Take a journey of Aegean, Anatolia and Middle .
Apr 14, 2017
Designed, recorded and produced by Dimitris Plagiannis, our first entry into the Plectra Series of virtual instruments is a classic instrument of Greek music.
Download: virtual bouzouki kontakt 2a1358a15e; Download: virtual bouzouki 1.
Virtual Bouzouki is a library of samples of Greek stringed plucked musical instrument, bazooka, with realistic sound and lots of functions.
Description: Strings of Anatolia, This project included bigest ethnic strings instruments library in the world. Take a journey of Aegean, Anatolia and Middle .
Aug 30, 2018
Our first entry into the Plectra Series of virtual instruments is a classic instrument of Greek music.
Download: virtual bouzouki kontakt 2a1358a15e; Download: virtual bouzouki 1.
Virtual Bouzouki is a library of samples of Greek stringed plucked musical instrument, bazooka, with realistic sound and lots of functions.
Description: Strings of Anatolia, This project included bigest ethnic strings instruments library in the world. Take a journey of Aegean, Anatolia and Middle .
Apr 14, 2017
Virtual Bouzouki is a library of samples of Greek stringed plucked musical instrument, bazooka, with realistic sound and lots of functions.
Download: virtual bouzouki kontakt 2a1358a15e; Download: virtual bouzouki 1.
Virtual Bouzouki is a library of samples of Greek stringed plucked musical instrument, bazooka, with realistic sound and lots of functions.
Description: Strings of Anatolia, This project included bigest ethnic strings instruments library in the world. Take a journey of Aegean, Anatolia and Middle .
Virtual Bouzouki is a library of samples of Greek be359ba680
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